According to The Register, popular fashion brand French Connection or as widely known FCUK has been struck by the REvil ransomware group. The strike has resulted in a breach of internal data which was caused due to ransomware attack.

The REvil attackers, who are believed to have launched this attack, exploited an exposed security vulnerability in the organization’s back-end systems.

The ransomware gang has used passport and identification card scans as proof of breach. The stolen data belong to staff members – including the company’s founder and chief executive, chief financial officer, and chief operating officer.

In a statement to The Register French Connection confirmed it had “been the target of an organised cyber-attack affecting its back-end servers, which control its internal systems and operations.”

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No Harm to Payment Information

French Connection was very clear in mentioning that the front-end servers, which process the payments for its online and other outlets have not been affected by this breach.

“As soon as it became aware of the breach, the company took immediate action, suspending all affected systems and engaging third-party experts to assist with resolving the situation,” French Connection’s statement further added. “The company is now actively working to restore its systems as quickly and safely as possible and where necessary is using manual overrides in order to ensure that the company can continue to operate.”

To assure its customers, French Connection has said that they don’t have any evidence to suggest that any data relating to their customers has been breached during this attack. Along with this, French Connection also said that this attack has not caused any ‘material impact on trading’ and the company operations have continued normally.

Usually, the data stolen by ransomware gangs like REvil and others is usually put up for sale. However, the victim in such cases is given a choice to pay up a ransom to avoid that from taking place. French Connection has refused to comment on any such question of ransom demands.