To defend the cosmos against cyber threats, Kratikal is on a mission to secure your organization globally from cyber attacks.
Welcome to Kratikal’s Cybersecurity Report, your route to secure businesses in the era where the world is digitalized. Let’s explore the well-curated report with the vital trends and insights on the latest cyber risks and be secure for sure. We’ve prepared a detailed report for your extensive resource with analytical data, in-depth knowledge, and useful guidance from cyber experts to keep industries ahead of cyber threats.
Attackers are using the power of AI to exploit web app vulnerabilities, which has resulted in 78% rise in cyberttacks globally. Kratikal's Cybersecurity Report 2024 reveals alarming statistics, latest trends, attacks and risk in businesses wordwide.
Date: 14-March -2024 - Volume II
The Rise And Fall Of Malicious Actors' explores the world of cybersecurity by breaking down the most severe cyber threats, MITRE ATT&CK Framework, and recent adversary attack methods.
Date: 04- Oct-2023 - Volume I