Category :

 Cyber Awareness

 71 Articles

AI Brings a New Pace in Cyber Security  

July 22, 2020 - 3 mins read

 1.76 billion records were leaked in January 2020 alone $11.5 billion is the expected cost to businesses in 2020 Cyber…

Malware – The New Age Weaponry

July 8, 2020 - 4 mins read

What is malware? Malware is short for ‘Malicious – Software”. The set of code or software that are made intentionally…

5 Most Notorious Malware Attacks of All Time

June 26, 2020 - 9 mins read

9.9 million malware attacks were detected in 2019 (source: 2020 Cyber Threat Report) 94% of breaches involve malware attacks, sent…

Information Security: Being Aware is the New Trend

June 12, 2020 - 6 mins read

Do you use Net Banking or send your personal information on chat or email? Now imagine if someone is capturing…

Surface Web and Dark Web: Exploring Layers of Web

April 27, 2020 - 8 mins read

Every tech-savvy must have come across two terminologies of web browsers surface web and dark web while exploring the internet.…

10 Ways to Prevent Phishing Attacks in 2020

April 10, 2020 - 8 mins read

  Cybersecurity is the biggest concern for every industry today. With everything present digitally and virtually, it has become a…

How is Vulnerability Management Different from Vulnerability Assessment?

February 1, 2020 - 4 mins read

Even the most avid security enthusiasts sometimes get confused when it comes to differentiating between vulnerability management and vulnerability assessment.…

Complete Guide on Web Application Security

January 23, 2020 - 5 mins read

What is Web Application Security Testing? Applications are the most favorable medium for cybercriminals who seek to steal data or…