AI in Cyber security

 1.76 billion records were leaked in January 2020 alone

$11.5 billion is the expected cost to businesses in 2020

Cyber attacks are increasing rapidly these days and the trend for zero-day attacks is also not so unknown. To cope with these evolving cyber threats, it is the need of the hour to be prepared with more advanced counter mechanisms. This is where AI in cybersecurity comes into play.

These days there are tools and security devices that use AI to make the attack detection and prevention process easy and automated. AI in cybersecurity helps to bring out the concepts of behavioral analysis, automation, and many more that help to create a new space in the field.

Role of AI in cybersecurity

AI has opened new horizons and opportunities to detect and mitigate cyberattacks. Every day multiple cyber threats are born and increase the attack surfaces of the firm. AI in cybersecurity helps to delve deeper into the key areas to find the threats and adjust itself in a suitable way to mitigate them.

How AI can Identify and Prevent Cyberattacks

AI has lots of reference modules and predetermined attack engines that help the user to detect inbound cyber attacks easily. Some attackers use predefined scenarios, methodologies, and techniques to attack websites and applications. By using AI-based detection techniques, it will be easy for the user to identify the attacks. Once the ongoing attacks are identified, you can add some of the prerequisites in the AI engine that will help you to mitigate the same. 

AI in CyberSecurity

Artificial Intelligence in Cyber Security

The Automation of Cyberattacks

AI in cyberspace is rapidly growing and is both boon and a bane for industries. Whereas on the one hand, the application of AI in cybersecurity helps to automate the process for mitigation of cyber threats, it also helps malicious actors to create automated cyberattacks. These attacks are pre-programmed based on the analysis of the threat vectors of the organization and attack the same in various ways.

The latest research shows that the threat landscape is increasing these days due to the presence of open-source AI-enabled hacking tools and software. Within the report, the cybersecurity firm documented three active threats in the wild which have been detected within the past 12 months. Analysis of these attacks — and a little imagination — has led small attackers like script kiddies and newbies to create scenarios using AI which could be more dangerous and threatening. 

Impact of AI in Cyber Security Space

The presence of AI in the cybersecurity space has opened new horizons for attackers and defenders. The landscape of cyberspace is changing its demographics due to the presence of AI, which proves to be uncertain and unbiased. Sooner or later it is going to be the key differentiator between both the veils.

AI has helped cybersecurity researchers and continues to do the same in all the ways possible. 

The presence of AI has impacted cyberspace on the following grounds:

  • Identification of the threat
  • Mitigation of the threat
  • Vulnerability assessment of the organization
  • Constant monitoring of the organization’s threat posture
  • Helps in reporting and accounting of cyber threats to the firm