The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2016/679 governs data protection and privacy in the European Union and the European Economic Area. The goal is to enable the safe and open flow of data across EU borders, as well as to safeguard all EU citizens from data breaches and privacy violations.
The GDPR aims to provide citizens and residents more control over their personal data while also simplifying the regulatory environment for international business by consolidating EU regulations. The GDPR broadens the scope of EU data protection legislation to include all international enterprises that process personal data of EU citizens.GDPR Involves the following – The Right to be forgotten, Personal Data, Privacy by Design and Default, User Explicit Consent, Data Breach Notification
The EU recognized the necessity for updated security as technology advanced and the Internet was created. The GDPR signals Europe‘s hard stance on data privacy and security at a time when more people are committing their personal data to cloud services and data breaches are becoming more common. GDPR compliance is a massive project, especially for small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs).
The GDPR Assessment will be focused on –
Identify need for a DPIA
Describe the processing
Consider consultation
Assess necessity and Proportionality
Identify and assess risks
Identify measures to mitigate risks
Sign off record outcomes
Integrate outcomes into plan
Keep under review
The GDPR regulates the transfer of personal data outside of the European Union and the European Economic Area. The compliance gives data owners the right to data portability. The GDPR compels businesses to take adequate data security measures to protect customers‘ and employees‘ personal information from loss or disclosure. The following points should be kept in mind by the organization to attain that goal:
Ensure the right of people in the EU to a “Private Life”.
Emphasis the importance of Private Data control, protection, and security.
Put “full control” of Personal Information” at the hands of the legitimate owner: “the End User”.
The first and most important step toward GDPR compliance is to find data utilizing tools like Data Recording Template.This strategy needs a few processes, including discovery, planning, investigation, implementation, go-live, and handover.
Why should you partner with Kratikal to achieve GDPR Compliance?
Organizations’ Security
Small and mid-size
enterprises (SMEs)
Threats Recorded in
GCTx Database
Regardless of the organization's location, the GDPR applies to any company that processes personal data of EU persons during its operation.
The GDPR's goal is to establish a set of uniform data protection regulations across all EU member states. Even if they are not in the nation where their data is stored, this should make it easier for EU citizens to understand how their data is being used and to file any objections.
One must take reasonable security steps to protect the personal information you collect. This is the GDPR's security concept, commonly known as the 'integrity and confidentiality' principle.